Chairman Emeritus-– NCTS-IIF
The Technocrat who conceived the concept of Technical Services to Practicing Foundrymen and showed the path for future to us.

Mentor – NCTS-IIF
Eminent Foundryman, leading the Centre since inception from Sept.1997 to 2023
The NCTS in its present shape owes its origin in the year 1988 when the National Council at its meeting held in Mumbai recommended to enlarge the scope of the activities of the then called Technical Services Co-ordination Committee (TSCC). In the year 1992 full financial and administrative support was offered to the commitee.
In 1993 the National Council recognized the performance and awarded a status of “Center of Excellence” to th TSCC. Subsequently Mr. Sham Arjunwadkar took over chairmanship of the committee and the name of this Center of excellence is aptly changed as National Center for Technical Services (NCTS).
The Institute of Indian Foundrymen (IIF) ( www.indianfoundry.org ) with its Head Office at Kolkata, has around 3000 Members all over India IIF has established Four Centres of Excellence in Endeavour to serve the Members.
A Centre for Excellence – National Centre for Technical Services (NCTS) with its office at Pune plays a very important and useful role in meeting this objective.
Our Vision
“Enlightened Foundrymen – Prosperous Foundries”
Our Mission :
“Provide Technical Services and Expertise in areas of appropriate Technologies and top quality systems to reduce costs and improve response time keeping at the same time safety and Environmental issues in control. This will ultimately help foundries to achieve global competitiveness.”
Panel of Experts is the most coveted resource of NCTS Experts bring with them a huge reservoir of domain knowledge which they have pledged to share for the benefit of Foundrymen.
Various regular activities of NCTS are:
Information Sheets: These contain practical hints for practicing Foundrymen. These are written by an Expert and reviewed by other Experts before publishing.
Technical Data Base: Technical articles from various journals and magazines are collected and data is stored.
NCTS has produced DVDs on foundry technology topics and with collaboration of National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training and Research (NITTTR), Bhopal has produced seven DVD’s on Castings Defects and Solutions.
- Computer based program on Microstructures of Cast Iron
- Interactive CD on Manufacturing Techniques & Heat Treatment of S. G. Iron
- Efficient Aluminium Melting Practices(English/Hindi)
- Gravity Die Casting Techniques for Aluminium Casting
- Shell Moulding Process
- Investment Casting Process – Defect Control Instructor
- Divided Blast Cupola – Process & Technology
- A Journey Through Cold Box Process
- Analysis of Defects in Aluminium Castings – Compendium of Case Studies
- Aluminium High Pressure Die Casting
- Inoculation of Cast Irons – Science and Practices
- Green Sand Moulding Technology – Emphasis on SandControl
- No Bake Technology for Castings Binder Systems and Molding Equipment
- Refractory Coatings for Ferrous and Non-ferrous applications
- Instrumentation in Foundries
- Introduction to Casting Defects: Blow Holes, Shrinkage, Inclusions, Scab, Discontinuities, Pinhole Porosity and others in Ferrous as well as Non Ferrous Casting
- Efficient Cupola Design and Operation– Mrs. Sharadini S. Karkhanis
- Green Sand Preparation and Control– Mr. A. R. Krishnamoorthy
- Pattern Design – Practical Guidelines – Mr. S. G. Khanolkar
- Green Sand Practices For Defect Free Casting – Mr. S. Subramanian
- High Manganese Steel Casting Technology– Mr. V. L. Potnis, Mr. V. D. Joshi & Dr. N. P. Sinha
- Manual For Foundry Maintenance – Mr. S. Bhasin & Mr. U. Y. Shinde
- Instrumentation and Process Control Techniques in Foundries – Mr. Vishwas Kale
- Practical Guide for Progressive Foundrymen – Mr. B. K. Shamsundar
- Management for Success – Mr. Vishwas Kale
- Green Sand Principles and Practice – Mr. K. P. Surampalli
- Alloying additions and inoculations
- Aluminium
- Casting defects
- Cupola
- Miscellaneous
- Molding sand and core sand
- SPC in foundry
- Methoding
- Specifications, Testing & Microstructure
- High tensile brass
- Shell molding process
- Full set of 120 information sheets